Maks_Ring I'll never forget the days my daughters were born. They were born on the same day, two years apart. Have I told you that my brother and I were born on the same day 5 years apart? But wait, there's more, my parents were born on the same day, 2 years apart. (Begin Twilight Zone theme.) I thought about turning that in to Ripley's Believe It Or Not, but I'm not sure I want the notoriety. We celebrate birthdays with cake, presents and fun.

We also celebrate the spiritual birthdays of our kids. That's the day that they gave their hearts and lives to Jesus Christ. We make a big deal out of those. Makenzie stepped over the line of faith 5 years ago on July 11. Sure she was young, but we held her back on that decision a little while and then she came to Jesus with the faith of a child. We went out for pizza at a great little restaurant, gave her a cross ring from James Avery and came back home for some Blue Bell Cookies and Cream. We want to make sure they always remember that special day. I'm so thankful my kids love the Lord and we'll spend eternity together.

Think about this: if you're born once, you die twice. Sure everyone dies a physical natural death, but there's also spiritual death, which is separation from God. But if you're born twice, you only die once. If you're born naturally and born again spiritually, you only die once. That means that if you're not following Christ, then this is good as it gets for you. This world is as close to heaven as you'll ever get.  But if you're a Christ follower, this world is as bad as it gets. Sure it can be Hell on Earth sometimes, but we hold on to the promise that it only gets better.

One Reply to “A Kind Of Second Birthday”

  1. Cole that is one of the coolest things I’ve ever heard – thanks so much for sharing that idea! Phenominal.

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