This weekend was the biggest weekend in the history of our 3 year old church. Not in the the number of people in attendance, but in the leap of faith that we took together. It started Saturday night when around 70 of our ministry leaders got together to make their commitments. Like leaders do, they set a high bar for us as they collectively committed to give over 454-thousand dollars over the next 3 years. I cannot express how proud I am of their sacrificial hearts to see God’s vision become reality.

Sunday morning was more than I can describe. If you missed the first 5 minutes, you missed one of THE coolest musical moments, well, ever. If you were there, you know what I’m talking about. Being in that venue gave us a small picture of what the future of TCC looks and feels like. And then, to wrap up that unforgettable service, our church family raised the Something So Big commitment level to over $777-thousand dollars, blowing away even the "experts" predictions of what is possible from our young church. And not all the commitments have come in yet! This is further proof that God is at work in ways beyond what we can explain here at TCC.

These commitments were not made to show anyone how much money we can give or how spiritual we are. They weren’t holy business deals. These commitments were a raw, uncalculated, extravagant, generous outpouring of our love for God for all He has done for us. How can we do anything else but give back to Him out of the blessings He’s given to us? It was one of those unforgettable times in life to see people who have just stepped over the line of faith bringing their commitments to the front together.

What does this mean for the future of TCC? It means great things are in store for us as we seek God for these next steps! From the very beginning, God has led us like He led His people in the Bible, one step at a time. We’re going to continue to focus on our purpose to see lives changed and follow God as He takes us farther and higher than ever before!

There is no stopping what God has started! Because of the faithfulness of the incredible Connection Church family, 10’s of thousands of lives will be changed for God’s glory! We are living out Jesus’ words: "Upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it."

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