Yes, life’s been a little crazy lately. So how can we make it crazier? Makenzie knows. She wanted us to build a planter box in our backyard so we could start our very own vegetable garden.

We got up bright and early on Saturday for the project. Thanks to my friends, Bryan Geiger and Shep West, I was able to borrow the tools I needed. Pam’s dad, we call him Pepaw, also helped big time!

Here’s the evidence for what happened:

Building a Garden Planter Box from Cole Phillips on Vimeo.

I was able to keep all my limbs and appendages. And we planted some jalepenos, tomatoes, cantaloupe, chard?, bell peppers, marigolds (to keep the bugs out), and a few other veggies. I’m interested to see what actually grows in this thing.

2 Replies to “Building a Garden Planter Box

  1. Wow! I just completed a very basic landscaping project outside my home office window and I’m thinking about planting a vegetable garden. You guys have inspired me.

  2. I’m so glad everyone still has their toes! Were you really tilling in sandals? We still have 1/4 of a barn roof to shingle and the entire barn to paint if you still have energy! 🙂

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