ColeguitarThis morning, I led worship and spoke at Hill Country Christian School in San Marcos. We almost had projection, but at the last minute, it was pulled because my tech girls, who were high school students, had to go somewhere else. So my ever changing song choice was kind of limited to what I thought I could lead kids in without any lyrics.

Then I talked about how God made you, knows you, and has a unique purpose for your life from Jeremiah 1:4-10. Here’s what I learned: When you eat papaya, be sure not to eat the peel. It’s very disgusting. Don’t believe me? Try some.

By the way, I just saw this blasphemous article about Macs some of you might be interested in.

Fire away.

One Reply to “Chapel Confessional”

  1. These reviewers always whine about the “price” of Apple hardware. If they bothered to configure their beloved Dell and HP similarly to how a Mac comes straight out of the box, they’d see there is no “price” penalty for buying a Mac.

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