At Christmas, we read the familiar story in Matthew 2 of the birth of Jesus. But among the story’s players, there’s a huge leadership lesson in the life of King Herod. Herod was a leadership disaster. He was petty, impatient, selfish, disturbed, dishonest, manipulative, angry, and ultimately, a murderer.

What could cause someone in Herod’s position to be such a weak leader? INSECURITY. Herod was territorial. He wanted to make sure that no strong leaders were around him who could threaten his job. He didn’t allow anyone who was talented to grow and develop.

Insecure leaders are always taking. They don’t support their team. It’s all about how they feel, how they look, and the praise they’re getting.

Security is one of the foundational issues in the life of a leader. As a leader, you have to settle this issue of security early on, before you’re neck deep in the journey. As a leader, your life is under a microscope and many times the issues you carry are magnified. Your insecurity will cause big problems if you haven’t settled who you are in your heart and mind.

Leadership works from the inside out. First, it’s about what’s going on internally. Our words, decisions, and actions flow from our character. And a secure leader is able to help others feel secure. Security lets him bring other strong leaders around him. Security allows others to get the recognition for a job well done. A secure leader releases his team to grow and be all God wants them to be.

If you wrestle with feelings of insecurity, remember Hebrews 13:6: So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?”

Our security doesn’t come from our accomplishments, our education, or another person. Security is based on knowing who you are in Jesus Christ.

Security comes from a sense of:

  • Call – As a leader, if you have been called by God, you can stand secure in knowing that He chose you. God didn’t call you because you’re something special. You’re something special because you’ve been called by God.
  • Community – When you try to make a difference on your own, you feel insecure. But when you do ministry with a team, there is strength in numbers.
  • Cause – Knowing your purpose gives direction, meaning, and security.
  • Competence – When you know what you’re doing, when you’re growing, you’re secure because you are equipped to serve. Leaders are readers. Never stop growing.

Settle your security today.

How secure are you feeling these days?

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