2 Replies to “Even Idols are Shouting to the Lord

  1. A shame they never mentioned the One who gave us the promise about which they are singing. Substituting “Shepherd” for “Jesus” at the beginning was a real downer. Completely boots the message of the song.


  2. True James, however, there are many classic hymns which also don’t mention the names of Jesus. We can’t expect people to act like Christians when they are not. American Idol’s purpose is not to evangelize, that’s our purpose as a church. I’m sure not every American Idol contestant is a sold-out Christ follower, but, nevertheless, they were singing an awesome message that points people toward God.

    Also, Jesus was specifically sung about during 3 songs on the previous week.

    I love it when I see points of God’s light in our dark culture and want to celebrate those moments. Our response should one of encouragement, not criticism in those moments. They expect the criticism, but I believe God was smiling at this one.

    The night that was all about giving closed out with a song the One who “loved the world so much that He GAVE…”

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