Photo_032507_014 People want to take next steps in their connection with God, but we have to be clear about the next step that needs to be taken. Not everyone’s in the same place, taking the next step at the same time. That’s why we break things down into stages. A healthy church has people at different stages, with those higher up the ladder holding out a hand to help others get up to where they are.

Zak brought it home on Sunday morning with a great message and incredible illustration about the way we do church. He used a literal ladder that he broke apart and put back together with help from people in the congregation. What was so amazing about this the time I saw it, was that Zak forgot to give the guys nails to put the steps back on with. They had to improvise and find nails left in the ladder or the broken steps. To me, that was the coolest thing, watching them figure out, on the spot, without asking, how to make it work.

That’s the way we have to do it a lot of the time on Sunday mornings, making it happen with the limited resources that we have, with a lot of new faces watching. Thank God that we have a group of creative and resourceful people who put this together so that we can have all the steps in place for people to climb on. Climb On!

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