dipThis week I listened to “The Dip” audiobook by Seth Godin.  I’m looking forward to sharing this with our staff. It’s a quick listen, or read, full of helpful counter-intuitive principles that will help you move beyond average to being the best at whatever you’re doing.

Every endeavor, job, project, even relationship, has a dip, that place where moving forward gets difficult. That’s a good thing, because most people give up or go average when facing the dip.  So, you can be the best in whatever you are doing if you are willing to pay the price of the dip, simply because most people don’t.

Right now, I, along with all of us at The Connection Church, are faced with a serious dip, a challenge that separates the place of average from reaching our destiny. As we are getting into the toughest part of the new building, things are going to be harder before they get easier. The finances are tighter because the majority of our resources have already been invested. Many of those who’ve been working long hours on construction are getting tired or in some cases even sick.

But now is not the time to let up. It’s the time to press through, to keep advancing, to keep working, to step up our financial investments in this work. To make it through a dip, you have to ask, “Is it worth what it will take to make it through to the other side?” Without a doubt, 100%!!! Because, on the other side, is the place of incredible impact and life-change that God is calling us to. And, by God’s power, we will succeed, together.

What Dip are you facing right now? Press through to victory!

One Reply to “Getting Through The Dip”

  1. I liked the guidelines that he gave about when and how to consider quitting. My dip, involves my online business ventures. I need to concentrate and focus better.

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