A little irrelevant personal background: The week before Pam and I got married, I moved into the apartment that would become our first home. On the night of our wedding rehearsal, I thought it would be fun to have a bachelor party and invite some of my friends over to watch a few movies. The movies were Spinal Tap and Penn and Teller Get Killed, which for some reason, I really liked. Especially the last scene with I Started a Joke.

Now, Penn, a professed atheist, has a thought-provoking video about an encounter he had with a Christian who gave him a gift. You’ve got to hear him out:

Penn’s thoughts are so applicable to us when we think about the impact of sharing a simple message in an honest way with the people around us. Heaven and Hell are real places and every person will spend eternity in one of those places! We will never lay eyes on anyone who God doesn’t love and Jesus didn’t die for. Do we really care enough to speak up, risk offending, or at worst, be viewed as a little weird, to save lives?

Who do you need to reach out to this week?

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