We were talking to people about leaving California and they thought we were “running from God”. I knew better… I knew I was running TO God. The Lord let me know I was coming to Texas and I would be involved in helping a new church grow. I hadn’t been particularly active in my church back home but I always had a desire to be involved. The first Sunday in Texas we attended TCC and we have come every week except 1.

The thing I love most about TCC is there is no pretentiousness. What you see is what you get. Everyone is real; starting with our Pastor, leading by example. The sermon is based on the Bible as it applies to life today. This reinforces that the Bible is living and is the same today as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow. God’s Word doesn’t change, only the world around us does.

I’ve grown so much since I’ve started coming to TCC and joined a Connection Group. I instantly had a sense of belonging, even though I was far from the place I was raised for 43 years. My faith has been tested, repeatedly, since I’ve been coming and it stands strong today because of the person God is turning me into. The Lord has freed me from bonds I was held by before I came; things such as pride, materialism, insecurity. He has replaced all that with humility, a sense of well being – no matter what my finances are, and a feeling that I am an okay person; as long as God stays by me, I will be fine.

This means so much to me. I don’t ever want to lose what I have today, down deep in my spirit. The fact that I can walk through this valley I’m in and fear no evil because God is with me is priceless. Money can’t buy this peace. People can’t give me this warm feeling that all is going to be okay. Circumstances can’t offer this genuine joy. It is all a “God thing”. He means more to me than anything on this planet.

It took me awhile to get my priorities straight. I struggled and rearranged and God watched and I’m sure he shook his head a lot. Any parent knows what it’s like to stand back and watch your children try to figure life out when they lack knowledge and wisdom. Let them figure it out, we must. This is where growth comes. Thanks God for the growth. I hope you are proud of me. Thanks for loving me even when I didn’t make you proud.

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