Let’s say I want to get involved in a meaningful ministry in my church, but I don’t really know where to begin. What’s my first step?

At some churches, getting involved in a ministry can mean weeks of classes, or being approved by a committee. Not so at The Connection Church. We value on-the-job training. If you want to make a difference, you can jump in right away and get your feet wet. We call it “shadowing,” and it simply means that you can choose an area where you want to serve and watch how it’s done.

The easy process of passing it on goes like this:

  • I do it.
  • You watch me do it.
  • I watch you do it.
  • You do it.

This has been one of the most effective ways we’ve seen of getting people quickly involved in a ministry. After all, there are so many things that you can’t learn by sitting in a classroom. And lectures are a quick way to put out the fire that people have when they decide to step up and make a difference.

At TCC, we want everyone to have the chance to do something significant with their lives by being a part of a ministry team. If you want to find out more about the teams we offer, check them out here.

If you’re already involved with a team, who are you passing it on to? Do you have someone you’re mentoring? One of our key principles is: never do ministry alone.

Now is a great time to get off the sidelines and get into the game!

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