We’re trying some new ways to raise the bar of leadership at TCC this year. One of the ways we want to do this is through some podcast type training to cast vision and equip our people with the skills they need to be excellent in their service. This morning, a couple of us got together for a quick discussion of the importance of our usher team and what the expectations are to be successful. I wanted to give you the chance to check it out as well. Even if you don’t “ush,” it’s a fun listen and reminds us of how to make people feel at home in our services. You can also follow along with this outline for an idea of what we covered. If you’re a leader in another church, feel free to borrow freely from these ideas.

To hear the podcast, click the title: Being a Great Usher

If you want to be a part of this team, join us on Sunday morning, Feb 15, in the Worship Center after the first service for a quick meeting. We’d love to have you as a part of the team.

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