Colesglasses I am extremely near-sighted. With a little bit of astigmatism. I started wearing glasses in the 2nd grade. They were the ultimate coke bottles. By 5th grade, I was wearing contacts. I’m not sure exactly what my vision has been. For those of you who wear contacts, my numbers were -8 in my right eye and -7 in my left. For many years, I’ve worn extended wear lenses. And by extended wear, I really mean extended. I typically would wear them, let’s say, a month at a time. Let’s say that, but probably longer. I can’t say because I never really kept up with it. In the back of my mind, I was sure that I would blind myself.

So, it’s been a dream of mine to have laser vision correction. The optometrists said I might not be a candidate due to my terrible vision. Nothing like X-ray or heat vision, just to be able to see. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to swim underwater with my eyes open. I’ve always hoped I could have it done before I went blind.

Last week, I had my eyes fixed at Mann Eye Institute in Austin with the Allegretto Wave Excimer Laser. It’s pretty amazing. I went in at around 5pm last Thursday. There was absolutely no pain or discomfort, just a little weirdness. And I’ve been able to see ever since. No more contacts or glasses. Now, my eyes are healing and things are coming into focus. I still have a little blurriness, but hopefully this will improve with time. And they say they can do an enhancement in 3 months to make it even better.

I was reading the story of the blind man in John 9. I can only imagine what it must have been like to have your sight restored by Jesus. It must have been an incredible moment, no lasers, just the power of God.

Modern technology can now fix our eyes, but only God gives us vision. Everyday, the vision that God has for The Connection Church is coming into better focus. He gives us vision by expanding our sight to things that before we could not even imagine. As He brings His light into our experiences, our studies, and our relationships, we are finding that God’s vision for us is so much greater than anything we could have imagined. Now, we can say, "I once was blind, but now I see!"

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