When Jesus was on the cross, the second statement he made was to one of the criminals hanging beside him. When the dying thief asked Jesus to remember him in Heaven, Jesus assured, “Today you will be with me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:43) Jesus was giving His life so that anyone who trusts in Him can spend eternity with Him in a literal perfect place called heaven.

I’m going to spend a lot longer on the other side of eternity than I will on this side. As a Christ-follower, if we know that we’re going to spend forever (a very, very long time) in heaven, what difference does that make today? That reality changes everything! Once I understand it, I will live my life in light of eternity.

My Time

First, I’ll invest my time in eternity. There’s a huge difference between spending my time and investing it. My time is my life, and I have a limited amount it, only 24 hours in a day. When I live to make a difference for God’s Kingdom, my time isn’t wasted, it’s invested and will have a huge return.

My Treasure

Next, I’ll invest my treasure in eternity. Everything we have is a gift from God. You can’t take it with you when you’re gone, but you can send it on ahead. How do we do that? By generously giving to a local church that is focused on mission to Go and Tell the Good News of Jesus. Where do you have the biggest savings account? On Earth or in Heaven?

My Talent

We’ll also invest our talents for eternity. You’re unique and have something to offer the Body of Christ as you serve in ministry. I have to ask myself, “Is what I’m doing with the gifts and abilities God gave me really making an eternal impact?” Even the smallest act of selfless service can make a difference when you do it in Jesus’ name.

My Testimony

Finally, I’ll invest my testimony in eternity. In court, you testify about what you have seen or experienced. To make a difference in someone’s life, you can show and tell them about what you’ve experienced Jesus do in your life. You might not be a Bible scholar, but no one can argue with your personal experience. Who do you know who needs to hear your story this week?

The issue isn’t, “Will I live forever?” It’s “How will I live forever?” This week is the perfect time to make a difference for eternity.

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