Never let anyone tell you that being portable isn’t a huge challenge. It is. It means sacrifice mentally and physically.

Take for instance, my right thumb. Every week, I personally sign many follow-up letters from our Connection Cards turned in on Sunday. Over the last couple of months, I’ve noticed that when I try to grip a pen, my thumb kind of sticks and pops at the knuckle joint.

Now, I know that I’m taking a big risk here revealing the source of this problem (because it’s going to make it harder to hand off), but I figured it out. On Sunday mornings, for the most part, I have been the one to set up our portable screen for the last 3 and ½ years. You have to stretch the screen and pop the snaps into place all over the frame, requiring you to use your thumb in strenuous ways. This is especially true when it’s cold outside and the screen seems to shrink. So, a couple of weeks ago, I realized that setting up the screen is causing my thumb-arthritis.

My question is, do you think I have a legitimate workers comp claim? I guess not 🙂 It’s just a small price to pay to get to do what we get to do week in and week out. No sacrifice is too great!

One Reply to “Portable Church Hazards and Sacrifices”

  1. Cole,
    Do you really want to compare occupational hazzars relating to finger pain? Just kidding. That is part of what makes you a great leader…willing to lead the charge in things that need to get accomplished.

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