I am so pumped about this weekend! Easter weekend is coming like a freight train.

We’re still wrapping up all the Big Hunt stuff and if the weather is nice, which it looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day on Saturday, the park is going to be full of people and tons of eggs. A couple of egg hunt ideas:

  • Park at the TCC Offices and walk over to the park. It’s a quick walk right behind the offices.
  • Bring your eggs by 10:30.

And even better are the services we have planned for Sunday. They’re going to be our best Easter services ever, by far. We’re bringing in lots of extra chairs to make sure we’ve got enough room for everyone. I’ve got my message already ready to roll and I can’t wait to share it with you. We’re going to answer the question, “Who Is God?” and really bring it down to a personal level for every one of us.

Here are four specific things that you can do as we prepare to celebrate Easter this next weekend:

1. Invite! Invite! Invite!
I hope you’ve been praying for your “1” that God has placed in your life to invite with you this Sunday. It’s not too late. You should have at least 5 of the “Google” mailers to hand out. I know the feeling of nervousness when it comes to making the big ask, but remember a couple of things:

  • There’s nothing that compares to being used by God to make a difference in someone’s life.
  • God will give you the power you need to speak up and make the invitation.
  • What’s the worst that can happen? They’ll say, “No thank you.” What’s the best that can happen? They’ll actually come and thank you for loving enough to speak up.

You can also use this e-invite to send out to everyone in your address book.

2. Come to the 9:00am Celebration service!
New guests are much more likely to come to the 10:15 and 11:30 services. If you will selflessly attend the earlier service, you are making more room for our guests. Also, if you do come at one of the other service times, please park in the front of the school and walk around to leave plenty of room in the parking lot.

3. Help out in any way that you can.
Everything Matters! So be on the lookout for the little things that might need to be done, like picking up a piece of trash on the floor, helping someone find their way around, or answering a question. I am freeing you to take the bull by the horns and “git ‘r done.”

4. Make time to prepare for Easter now.
Let’s prepare our hearts and our lives for an awesome celebration of what Jesus Christ has done for us. Take some extra time to pray and thank Him for the change He has made in your life and the unfathomable love that he showed us on the cross!

Nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God demonstrated by our Lord Jesus Christ when he died for us. Romans 8:39 (TLB)

I can’t wait to see you this weekend!

2 Replies to “Sunday’s On The Way!

  1. Looking forward to an awesome Easter with you and our many friends at TCC! We’re praying for you, Pam and the girls – as well as Zak and his family – as I know this is a stressful yet exciting time for you guys.

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