Dcaat We had our monthly team meeting yesterday. Every month, we read a book on leadership together to grow as a team. This month’s was Doing Church as a Team by Wayne Cordiero. Here’s what we discussed:

  1. You can’t do it alone! (p. 11)
  2. The church has outgrown all of us. (p. 17)
  3. The Great Commission is the foundation for team building. (p. 19)
  4. God has placed TCC in this city at this time and has brought you into it. (p. 23) Why?
  5. The channel of our provision isn’t the source of our provision. (p. 38) Vocation vs. Occupation
  6. Move from consumer to contributor. (p. 41)
  7. The church is a battleship not a cruise liner. (p. 45)
  8. Everyone is a 10 in some area. (p. 55)
  9. If you want God’s blessing, use your gifts with the right heart and the right motives. (p. 75)
  10. It’s not the size of the task but the size of the heart. (p. 76)
  11. God deserves our best. (p. 84)
  12. To find leaders, you have to believe they’re there. (p. 88)
  13. Don’t hire those who can do it well. Hire those who can facilitate others who will do it well. (p. 92)
  14. Every person has a dream of what they can be for God. (p. 95)
  15. Secure people encourage others and enjoy their successes. (p. 101)
  16. A secure leader vs. an insecure leader. (p. 101)
  17. New leaders should shadow a mature leader. Follow a mature leader around in an area that interests you. (pp. 108, 116) I do, you watch. We do together. You do I applaud.
  18. Pass the baton then run alongside them. (p. 118)
  19. Your vision is the goal God has set for your life and ministry. (p. 123)
  20. Vital questions (p. 124)
  21. Dream big dreams for God. (p. 128)
  22. Example of fulfilling the vision. (p. 133)
  23. Harness the power of alignment – vision caught and shared by everyone involved. (p. 149)
  24. Aligned ministries directly fulfill the church’s overarching vision. (p. 153, alignment questions)
  25. How to do fractal teams (pp.176-189)
  26. The way leaders communicate their values builds a certain culture. (p. 213)
  27. Ministry should be fun. It should charge us up! (p. 215)
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