God is moving in BIG ways at The Connection Church and we’re so glad to be a part of this faith journey! The second week in our “Waking the Dead” series was especially powerful, from the first chord until the last note rang out, we celebrated what God did and what He’s doing in our lives.

We sang along with Connection Creative to some of today’s most moving worship songs. We also got to hear them perform an epic version of Evanescence’s Bring Me To Life. You can listen to these songs on a Spotify playlist by clicking here.

My boney friend Fred helped out with the message from Ezekiel 37 where the prophet Ezekiel gets a frightening vision of a Death Valley full of dried out bones that are brought back to life again. God wants to bring us to life again too, and you can find out how that’s possible. If you missed it, or want a refresher, check it out here.

Here are some of my favorite pics from this week. You can see more on our flickr site.

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