This weekend was a big one in at least 2 ways. It was a mash-up of Memorial Day Weekend combined with Student Takeover. Needless to say, this made for one incredible day. We got a firsthand taste of why our Fuze Student Ministry is growing so quickly.

Typically, Memorial Day Weekend is a day when people choose to skip out on worship in favor of being some other place, but the exact opposite was true at The Connection Church. We actually had more with us this weekend than we have in the last few weeks. That in itself is a miracle!

Our students stepped up to serve in areas all over the campus, from the parking lot to the Connection Café and proved that our students aren’t the church of the future, they’re the church of today!

The service kicked off with an interpretive dance by Sabrie Farrow to Fred Hammond’s No Weapon. Her talent to bring a song to life set the stage for all that followed.

The band was composed of our students and they more than filled the bill to lead us in worship. You can listen to the songs that were part of our service on this Spotify playlist by clicking here.

The video bump informed us of the great work happening with our partnership with America’s Mighty Warriors through C3 Global to serve Gold Star families who have lost loved ones in service to our country. I’m so glad to be a part of a church that is making a real difference to help those in need to know how much God loves them.

Student Pastor Bobby Fraumann brought the fire, wrapping up our #follow series with a message about the complete freedom for living that we find only in Jesus. Bobby said, “Don’t be sin-conscious, be Savior conscious. Don’t be failure-conscious, be forgiven-conscious” His passion was unquestionable and we’re looking forward to hearing from him again soon. If you missed the message, you can watch it by clicking right here.

You can see some of the best pics from this weekend below, but if you want to see more, check out our flickr page.


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