This weekend totally went to a whole new level with the start of our weekly Saturday night Celebration services at 5:30pm! It was incredible to see the support from our dedicated volunteers who made it all happen. Our first service had 237 people in attendance. Overall, we had 1,369 people with us during our 4 services and 39 first-time guest cards were exchanged for a Free TCC Tumbler. We also saw many people stepping over the line of faith to give their lives to Jesus!!!

The first thing you notice when you walk into the Worship Center is the incredible stage design created by Alex and Rene Rodriguez and their team. It is one of the best stage sets we’ve seen anywhere and makes an immediate impression.

Our experience kicked off with a scorching version of Skillet’s Awake and Alive sung by Aaron and Kenzie, with a blazing guitar solo from Rene. We also sang the new worship song, You Make Me Brave. You can listen to the original versions of all these songs on this Spotify playlist.

We kicked off our new series Waking the Dead all about how Jesus came to bring life to the dead. The message Zombieology was about the religious zombies who have the appearance of life, but are dead inside. We even had some zombies join us on stage to help teach the points. Thanks to all those zombies for helping us out! You can watch or listen to the message for yourself right here.

Some of our kids also got in on the fun at the KidKore zombie party. KidKore is for the kids who are here for more than one service when their parents are serving a service and attending a service. Several parents told me this weekend that their kids were the ones who get up on Monday morning begging to come back as soon as they can.

You can see some of the scenes from this weekend below or on our flickr page where you can see many of the amazing things that are happening every week at The Connection Church.

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