I watched the video of Mark Sanford’s resignation with sadness as he apologized for the pain that he caused his wife, his sons, his close friends, his staff, his state, people who share his faith, and even the woman that he had an affair with. He seemed to be sincerely sorry for his actions. He reaffirmed the fact that sinful choices and actions have consequences including the devastation of his relationships and his public embarrassment. The good he tried to stand for will be mostly forgotten and this moment will become his legacy.

He said he didn’t start out looking for a way to damage the trust that people had placed in him. It just happened over time after a few small compromises had been made.

I’m sure at the time, it must have seemed like fun. Some kind of need was being met in his life. I’m sure in the moment, it must have felt good.

Of course, he can’t recall that now. After the dust settles, there is no moment’s pleasure that will compare to the incredible pain that he is feeling and has caused those around him.

You and I may not be as well known as a Governor, but we have the same potential for blowing it as he did.

In those times when I’m tempted to make those small compromises, I pray that I’l remember that the pain far outweighs the pleasure. I pray that I’ll never bring embarrassment on my wife, my daughters, those close to me, or my God.

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