You've got something to say. But you've got a lot of options when it comes to how you're going to get your point across:

10) Text messaging (or tweeting)
9) Morse code: (dot-dot-dash, dash-dot-dot)
8) Smoke signals
7) Telegraph
6) Carrier pigeon
5) Fax
4) Email
3) 2 cups with a string
2) Phone call
1) Face to face conversation

Yes, we live in a day where technology allows us to be more connected
than ever. So why are we such bad communicators? We try to take the
short cuts when it comes to communicating with each other. We send hasty, not-thought-out messages and believe that we're really

Yes, email is free and fast, but a hand-written letter with a stamp on
it takes the contents to a whole notha level. When it comes to really
communicating, you get what you pay for. It's easy to write out an email and just press send, but without really
talking face to face, even our best prose can be misunderstood. If it's
important, let's take the time to get together and talk it out.

One Reply to “Top Ten Communication Methods”

  1. I couldn’t agree more. We have a friend who often calls and wants to chat by phone, but I try to get him to understand that having a meaningful conversation in person carries so much more weight than shooting the breeze over the phone. It may not happen as often but those person to person conversations are often much more memorable.

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