We may never get to fight in any war on some foreign soil in the pouring rain, but since the early days of TCC, there have been several guys who’ve had my back. John Maxwell says your level of success is determined by the people who come around you. These are the ones who can take a lot of the blame for the good stuff at TCC. There are many others I could mention, but these five are the ones who we are stepping up as our first Ministry Leadership Team. They are the last ones in our family to strive for position. Instead, they understand the way to lead is to pick up the towel and the broom. Each of them is an example to me in their love of their family, their friends, their church, and most of all their Lord.

  • Ron "The Maestro" Johns – Ron and Yoko called me one Sunday afternoon before we got started and told me he played keyboards. Before I knew it, he was up there rocking out with our band. Now, I can hardly pray without having Ron’s beautiful keys behind me.
  • Andy Rhoades – Andy and Katie started attending right from the start. When I told Bil Cornelius, the pastor of Bay Area Fellowship where they had attended, that the Rhoades were a part of our church, he said, "You are going to have an awesome church with those guys." They’ve set the standard for Connection Groups and have brought about a lot of real community.
  • Alex Rodriguez – Alex came to our first service from a card we gave out to his brother at our gas buy-down. He just wanted to hide out, but by the second week, his son Rene was playing drums and Alex has gotten here first thing in the morning every week and stayed until the last box is rolled onto the trailer. So he and Mary have been pouring into TCC from the start.
  • Raul "Big Daddy Crunch" Vela – Raul also came at the beginning. He and Carol host a Connection Group and serve with the Konnection Kids and the trailer ministry. But whenever we think of him, we call him Big Daddy Crunch!
  • Shep West – I’ve known Shep and Kristi since before we moved to Kyle and they were definitely people God brought into my life to serve alongside. They didn’t start with us, but got here as fast as they could. He serves in our reset team, and tear-down and wherever else needs a hand.

It has taken us 3 years to form an official team like this, but these guys have proven their consistency from the start. I love these guys and they love me and shoot straight with me. Strong leaders have strong leaders around them, and these guys challenge me to rise up as a man of God and as the leader of this church. I’m reminded of 1 Chronicles 12:22: "Day after day men came to help David, until he had a great army, like the army of God."

God is bringing leaders like these together to advance His kingdom. The best are days ahead of us!

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