This week we kicked off our brand new series called Breaking Bad Habits, all about the process of getting rid of those hurts, habits, and hang-ups that keep us weighed down and how we can begin to develop some new healthy habits.

I’m so amazed by our incredible team of volunteers who make Sunday the best hour of the week and are committed to creating the best opportunity for people to connect with Christ!

Kenzie and the band did a beautiful job on Francesca Battistelli’s song Strangely Dim.

The first step to freedom from addiction is admitting that God is God and that you aren’t the god of your life. You can check out this week’s message for yourself right here or on our FREE mobile app.

We took a survey on Sunday to gather information on adding a fourth service starting on Easter Sunday to make more room for people so we can continue to reach people. Now, we have to figure out how to interpret the responses we got. There’s still some great reasons to add either a 5:30pm Saturday service or a 1:30pm Sunday service. Feel free to weigh in with your opinion in the comments section here.

You can see some of my favorite pics from Sunday right here or see them all on our Flickr site.



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