This week we wrapped up the How To Hug a Vampire series with some encouragement for parents who are in the middle of the fray with their kiddos. As an added bonus, my mom was with us! A lot of people thought she was my sister, but no, I was blessed with a beautiful momma. I actually got her to come up on the platform and asked her if I was ever one of those little vampires when I was growing up. Of course, she was sweet enough to deny it, but I remember there were many times when I caused her grief as a teenager. I want to thank everyone who was there for showing her honor!

It’s been inspiring to hear more spoken word/rap as a part of our worship and we were blown away when Frankie Mendoza busted out with a rap on stage during Our God. I’m so proud of the way we’ve seen Frankie and Stefanie grow in their faith since they first came to the church back in June. In fact, since I was gone for several weeks that month, I remember meeting them when I got back and they told me how they were already entrenched in the life of the church before they ever heard me preach a sermon! It was like they were welcoming me to The Connection Church!

The band brought the Sanctus Real song Love You Tightly with some incredibly powerful lyrics about raising kids.

If you missed this week’s message, you can watch it here.

Once again, I want to thank everyone for the way you’ve poured out your appreciation during Pastor Appreciation Month! In truth, I’m the one who deeply appreciates you and the honor it is to get to lead this amazing church family!

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