Rewind_TapeWhat wasn’t happening on Sunday? It was Groundhog Day! (cue Bill Murray and “I Got You Babe”) It was The Big Game (I say that to avoid any copyright infringements that could lead to a lawsuit)! And it was… the kick-off of our new series Victorious Secrets!!!

When you walked in, you couldn’t help but notice the amazing new stage design! Way to go Rene and Alex!!!

Makenzie sang the Brooke Fraser penned “Love Is Waiting” What a beautiful song about purity! And Kenzie delivered it with style.

We’re getting ready for this coming week’s purity ring commitment service. If you aren’t married and want to say publicly, “I want to follow God’s plan for my dating life,” then you’re invited to be a part of this in one of our services on Sunday. You may not get your ring in time, but don’t let that keep you from being a part of it. You can order a ring here.

The message was a no holds barred look at God’s plan for sex and how to deal with the inevitable temptation that we all face. You can watch it here if you missed it.

If you or someone you know is struggling with sexual addiction, a good resource is the Be Broken website to help you get started on your journey to freedom. We also offer Celebrate Recovery each week for those who want to come clean with their hurts, habits and hangups.

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