• The Big Mo is all over us right now at The Connection Church! And by Mo, I mean Momentum! There are so many times I caught myself on Sunday morning with a big goofy grin on my face just because of how exciting it is to be a part of all that’s happening.
  • I was shocked when I walked into the Worship Center and saw 3 uniformed police officers. In addition to the one who we had requested to be there, the other 2 told me they were there because they just wanted to attend the service! So glad they love to be with us!
  • My favorite part of this week was definitely the powerful song Pam sang called One Word Alone with Sam flowing on the rap break. You could literally feel the room come alive as Sam proclaimed Jesus risen from the grave!
  • In the “what did we add this week” category, there was a new video camera platform that sets up for even greater production capabilities in the future.
  • Since this is the kick-off of a new school year, we had a time set aside in each service to pray for the students, parents, teachers and administrators. We also gave each educator present a movie ticket to thank them for their dedication to our kids.
  • You might have noticed the new grey logo t-shirts that seemed to be a big hit. You can pick one up this coming weekend in the lobby.
  • It was also Promotion Day where our kids graduated to the next grade level or classroom. You could tell that the kids were loving their new leaders and classrooms thanks to our incredible team of volunteers!
  • This week’s message was called sWords with Friends about the deepest level of friendship where you would be willing to put your life on the line for a friend. If you missed it, check it out here or on the mobile app.
  • I was blown away by all the new Connection Group HOSTs who stepped up and attended our Training Camp. The room was packed out and it looks like big things are in store. You can get hooked up with a Group at the Group Scoop on September 8th from 4-6, then groups will start meeting that same week.
  • Check out some of this week’s best pics below. You can see them all on our flickr page.

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