Who knows what religious people are thinking? Well, a new study was released today that shows clearly what people believe about spirituality today in America. As you might expect, it shows that church people are more confused today than ever before about who God is and how you can have a personal relationship with Jesus.

Apparently, even people who claim to be Christ-followers don't think you really need to follow Christ to spend eternity in heaven. Of course to believe that flies in the face of the truth of the Bible (which according to the Love Guru stands for: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.) It's the difference between going through the religious motions versus having a real relationship with Jesus.

This is a very disturbing study that should wake us up to the fact that even in our churches, people don't get what it means to follow after Jesus. For me personally, it's a reminder of why what we're doing is so important. According to Jesus, there is only 1 way to God (John 14:6). I'm going to continue to live my life as if lives depend on people hearing about Jesus Christ (because they do)!

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