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I can’t tell you how excited I am to not only see what God is doing in The Connection Church family, but also to be a part of leading this dynamic movement that is transforming lives. Without a doubt, we have gone to the next level when it comes to our generosity. Because of the ownership that people are taking and their spiritual growth, many people are ready to make an even bigger step to propel us forward in our BIG mission of connecting people with God.

God is opening doors for us as we look ahead to purchasing our own property, which will be a place where we can have a home base to make a greater impact on our community and world. We are committed to raising $250,000 as a down payment for our first land purchase in the Kyle/Buda area. Right now, we’re over halfway there, and if each person who has been positively affected by the ministries of The Connection Church will prayerfully give “over and above” your regular tithes and offerings, we will be able to quickly reach our goal.

On Easter Weekend, we’ll receive The Easter Offering during each of our 4 services which will be used towards this goal so we can have a permanent home base from which to reach our area and our world for Jesus. We’re encouraging everyone to come prepared to give on that weekend using the special envelopes we have provided or through the many electronic giving options we have available, including our online option available here.

Because of your radical generosity, we’re excited that God is using us to make a difference around the world! There’s nothing more important that we could be doing than advancing God’s kingdom! I am so proud of our church and optimistic about our future!

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