Not too long ago, the common consensus was that comics were uncool. I should know, because believe it or not, I was a bit of a comic book nerd as a kid. But today, it seems everyone has jumped on the superhero bandwagon. With a new comic based movie released about every other month, there is no shortage of heroes to go around.

But the one real-life hero that has changed my life is Jesus Christ! He displayed his super-powers by walking on water, feeding the masses, sacrificing himself to save the world, and his greatest feat: conquering death and rising from the grave!

This Sunday, March 30th, we’re kicking off our brand new message series: MARVEL at the Wonders of Jesus. As we get ready for the BIGGEST day of the year, Easter Sunday, we’re going to look closer at Jesus’ life and discover the powerful difference He can make in our life today. Each week will feature exclusive scenes from the blockbuster movie, Son of God.

I want to personally invite you to be with us this Sunday at 9am, 10:30am or Noon to be a part of this journey. This is the perfect series to bring along your friends and family so they can get connected with God. I’ll see you there!

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