Last week’s service was a tough one for many of us who have experienced divorce first-hand or are facing one now. I personally endured the pain of divorced parents as a junior high kid, and it was one of the hardest things that I’ve yet to experience. I know it must be even harder for the actual couple that is trying to survive a divorce. If you’re facing this, don’t try to go it alone. Stay connected to God’s family.

The Bible says God hates divorce because of the pain that it causes His children. Remember though, that God doesn’t hate divorced people. No matter what you’ve gone through in the past, you can experience God’s best for your life today. Divorce also messes up the picture that Christian marriage is supposed to present to the world: the unbreakable relationship between Jesus and His bride, the church.

We talked about the fact that even though divorce is allowed in certain cases in the Bible, it’s never recommended. I’ll say it again, "You’re best potential for the happiness you’re looking for is in the marriage you’re in right now." Its always better to work through the problems you’re facing than run from them and have to deal with the same ones or worse down the road.

As a lead pastor for seven years now, there are many times that I feel like the church is going great and headed toward the great future God has for us (okay, I always feel like this). But when I look at the landscape of the families in the church, I realize that we are only as strong as our marriages. As they go, so goes our church family. Let me encourage you to do everything you can to make your marriage as strong as possible, with God at the very center. Also, right now, would you take a few moments to pray for the marriages that are struggling?

For a helpful article on surviving divorce, check out: Coping with Divorce

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