What do you call people who are far from God? There have been all sorts of names that Christians have used to refer to people who are not yet a part of God’s family. But one name that can be applied to each of these people is God’s Most Wanted. Who are the people that God wants the most? According to Jesus, He came to “seek and save the lost.” (Luke 19:10). This puts them on God’s Most Wanted list.

As we ramp up to Easter at The Connection Church, we’re making our own list of God’s Most Wanted. These are the people that God has placed on our hearts. The people that we care about the most who need to experience God’s forgiveness, purpose, and hope for the future. Last Sunday, we closed our services with a chance to write their names on the list.

What an awesome moment when people flooded to the front to write these names. Just the process of putting the names down was one of faith and expectation. It was also a commitment to pray daily for them specifically and to personally invite them to come to TCC. I saw men write the name of their wives. Ladies wrote the name of their husbands. Kids wrote their parents name on the List. People wrote the names of their friends, coworkers and neighbors. I know without a doubt that as much as we want to see them come to Jesus, God wants them even more!

Famous Last Words – God’s Most Wanted LIST from The Connection Church on Vimeo.

We’re putting the lists up each week in the lobby so we can see the names and add to them until Easter. When the person that you’re reaching out comes to the service with you, you can take them up to their name and show them how much you wanted them there. We want everyone to celebrate what God is doing to change lives!

So who’s on your list? Join us in praying and reaching out this year as we prepare for Easter.

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