“I’m sorry, we’re going to have to let you go.” Those painful words, along with the accompanying pink slip are becoming very common. In fact, hardly a day goes by without the news of someone else we know and love losing their job. If this is something you or a family member have faced, THIS IS NOT THE END. There is hope for an even greater future! How do you turn this potential tragedy into a triumph?

  • PRAY! Talk to God about what you’re going through. Tell Him the hurt that you’re feeling. You need to express it and He stands ready to hear it. 1 Peter 5:7 reminds us to, “Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you.” God really does care about your situation and He can take it.

You may be thinking, “Why pray? I already did that and I still lost my job.” Understand that prayer isn’t a way that we control God. Instead, prayer is a way that God works in our lives to make us more like Him. Keep on talking and listening to Him to lead you through this period in your life.

  • You are not your job. There is a huge difference between who you are and what you do for a living. If you are in Christ, you are His child and you are fully loved and accepted. Your self-worth is not based on your net-worth. Remember, “there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1, NLT)
  • Adjust your budget. The things we think are necessities today were considered luxuries not long ago. Re-examine your life from a zero-based budget and see what you really need and what you just want. Maybe it’s possible to tighten your belt and get by for a time on less than you think. If your outflow exceeds your income then your upkeep will be your downfall. You might even be able to sell some things that you’ve collected to boost your budget.
  • Don’t go through it alone. It’s tempting to isolate yourself when you’re going through a tough time. But that’s not the way to move forward. It’s vital that you get around some people who can encourage you and speak truth into your life. If you need some friends to walk with you, be sure to Check out a Connection Group.
  • Be faithful to give to the Lord. That might sound insane, but it’s actually they way we increase and show our trust in God. With the economy in the shape that it’s in, it’s clear that the savings plans we have here are not as secure as they need to be. But God’s retirement plan is out of the world. So Jesus advises: “Store your treasures in heaven, where they will never become moth-eaten or rusty and where they will be safe from thieves.” (Matthew 6:20, NLT)
  • Know that you are not done yet. God is not through with you. He still has a good plan for your life. It’s a plan to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future! (Jeremiah 29:11) Keep getting up, going out there and giving it (and God) all you’ve got. He will use what you offer to position you for something even better to come.

There is nothing that can stop God’s plan for your life and when you commit yourself to Him, your hardest challenges can be your biggest victories!

For more financial helps, check out this article.

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