This story in the Bible has been on my heart over the past 2
weeks. In 2
Kings 4:1-7
, there’s a story of a woman who was in need. Elisha, the
prophet, asked her what resources she already had.  Her response was, “I’ve got zip-zilch-nada.
Oh, except for a little oil.” So Elisha tells her to go ask her neighbors for
some jars. Not just a few, but as many as she can get ahold of. Then she was to start pouring her oil into
the jars she had. And she started pouring and pouring until she ran out of
jars, then the oil stopped flowing.

I bet at that moment, she wished she had a lot more jars. It
seems like as long as she had something for the oil to go into, it would have
just kept on coming. And that story is a picture of the way God wants to bless
our lives.

That story was on my mind as we did our egg hunt this
weekend and God blessed us with thousands of people. Then, I knew how vital it
was to make sure we had enough seats, just in case we had lots of people on
Easter Sunday. And I’m glad we had the extra seats because they were definitely
needed. God filled those seats with people who needed to be there.

This is how it works: Part of receiving God’s blessing is in
taking a step of faith in preparation. If you’re not prepared for what God
wants to do in your life, or in your church, then why would God send you the

It makes me think about the prep that we’re doing right now
for the move to the PAC. We expect God to do something so BIG! We’re going to have more jars: more seats, more
parking. That means we’re ready for God to send more people. But we also need
more jars: more people to serve, more resources to accomplish God’s mission. I
believe the more ready we are for God to move, the more amazing things He will
show us and the more He will do. We want to have as many jars ready as possible so God can keep on blessing us.

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