Yesterday, we had our first river baptist of the year. People ask, "Isn’t the water cold in March?" I say, "No, it’s freezing!" But it makes for a baptism that you will never ever forget. However, it’s only cold until your body goes numb, then it feels quite good. It’s just that surface of the water that feels like knives on your skin. I’m always surprised that people don’t come up out of the water after I dunk them and punch me and yell, "What’d you do that for?" I kid. Actually, people come up from the water with huge smiles on their faces. After all, they’re telling the world that Jesus has changed their life! I strongly encourage you to check out Joe’s blog to see the pics from yesterday.

Yesterday, there were 14 people who took the plunge. Men, women, boys, and girls. There were so many stories of God’s miracles that each person could have told, and did so with a simple symbol of baptism. Lots of Connectors came out to celebrate with us. If you want to know more about baptism, check out this page.


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