The Big Hunt 2010 from The Connection Church on Vimeo.

We’re getting ready for The Big Hunt 2010 on April 3rd from 10:30-1 at Thunderhill Raceway. The Big Hunt was the very first event that we did when we moved to Kyle in 2004 and that started the whole thing. It’s crazy to think that TCC started with something as simple as an Easter Egg Hunt, but God uses these simple events to bring about BIG change in people’s lives. How does that happen? Well, we provide a fun and friendly environment and offer something that people are looking for, a free family event. At the same time, something else is going on on another level. We are creating a positive impression of a church that’s all about giving back to our community and serving people in practical ways.

God is also on a BIG HUNT.  2 Chronicles 16:9 says that “The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” We have a conviction that God loves people and so we love people too! And somehow, through an event like The Big Hunt, God reaches out to people right where they are to bring people to make a connection with TCC and ultimately an eternal connection with God through Jesus Christ! And we get to be a part of it!

So how can you help people make the connection this Easter?

  • Be at Thunderhill Raceway at  8 a.m. on April 3 to help out on one of the teams.
  • Buy and stuff eggs with non-chocolate candy or prizes. Do it as a small group, families, or individuals. Get your workplace involved. Be creative! The goal is 30,000 eggs!
  • Pick up a case or two of bottled water the next time that you buy groceries. We need 200 cases of bottled water.

Remember, God will take what you give and multiply it to make a difference in people’s lives all around our community. And that’s what we’re all about: To see Hays County changed one life at a time!

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