Can you feel it? After months of working through the process of finding, designing and just working through the red tape of securing a location, we’re starting the work on building out our soon-to-be home. Yes!!! Do the happy dance, it’s alright, no one is watching you.

Just to bring you up to speed, it’s 18,000 square feet of space in an industrial-type facility right between Kyle and Buda just off of I35. One of the craziest things about this site is that it used to be the home of a huge indoor shrimp farm. But we’re done thinking shrimpy. This is going to be the BIG home of a place that will facilitate changed lives starting first in our county and extending through this region between Austin and San Antonio.

Some of the initial work is being done by sub-contractors in our church family. But soon, we’ll have tons of volunteer work that needs to be done. But just imagine with me how incredible it’s going to be when we’re able to meet there anytime for any need, from a home-base for ministries to the community, to our kids and student ministries, our deaf ministry that is exploding, and more!

One of our goals is to be able to meet at the new location for our Easter services this year, but due to delays at the start, this is going to be a hard goal to meet. So please pray with me that this is going to be possible. It’s also going to take big money and plenty of sweat equity. The dollars that a step this big takes are staggering. I have total faith that God is going to provide everything we need through each of us who believe in the vision of TCC. TCC is a dream born in God’s heart that we get to be a part of for His Glory! So hang onto your seats, folks, and get ready for the ride of your life!

Here are a few pics of some of the first steps at the new building:

Digging the plumbing trench
Digging the plumbing trench
Prepping the Ceiling
Prepping the Ceiling
Fueling up the Wet Saw
Fueling up the Wet Saw
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