I feel like Steve Martin in The Jerk when he said, "The new phone book’s here! The new phone book’s here! This is the kind
of spontaneous publicity I need! My name in print! That really makes
somebody! Things are going to start happening to me now." I just got some link love from Gary Lamb. I lovingly refer to Gary as "the Jerry Springer of church planters." 🙂

I’ve been following Gary for a couple of years and he’s not just on the cutting edge, he’s on the bleeding edge of ministry and he’s all about reaching hellbound people. He’s leading Revolution to do literally "whatever it takes" to create a place for people who normally wouldn’t darken the door of a church. And rarely a day goes by where there’s not some talk in our office about what insane thing they’re doing to win people to Christ. To give you an idea of his commitment level, on their last staff retreat, they all went out and got huge tattoos of their church logo!

Gary, I can’t wait to hang out with you someday. I really have a full head of hair, that I would have really long like the hair bands of the 80s, but I shaved it all off so I could look like "The Bald Worship Leader."

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