This is Mega Sports Camp week and the first 2 days have been great! It’s so cool that we can offer so many options for the kids to choose
from, the incredible puppet team, skilled coaches who are great with
the kids. We started doing sports camp last summer instead of VBS for 3 major reasons:

  1. Being portable, it makes more sense for us to do something outside, rather than trying to create a cool environment indoors someplace.
  2. There are a couple of churches in town who already do a great job with VBS and we wanted to offer something unique to our community.
  3. Sports Camp gives us a better chance to connect with unchurched people in our community who want their kids to improve their sports skills.

We’ve also figured out how to end droughts: offer a TCC event. After not
raining for months, on Monday about 2 hours before camp started, a
deluge hit. We already had over 100 kids pre-registered and I think
every parent called us to find out if we were still on. I felt so
stupid telling them, “Well, we haven’t canceled yet.” while there was
no way it looked possible. But our incredible kids team kept the faith
and by the time we were to start, everything was ready to go.

So we’ve got 2 more nights to go of the best week of sports camp ever.

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