I was looking back over some of the guest surveys we’ve received over the past several months and was reminded of one of the best things about The Connection Church. Whenever someone checks out the church as a guest on Sunday morning, we shoot them an email with a link to hidden page on our website where they can give us some honest feedback about their experience with us. One of the questions we ask is: What was your overall impression? This question isn’t a leading question, in fact, it’s wide open. But time and time again, the answer is always the same. Let me list these that I copied straight from the responses:

  • We really liked and appreciated how welcoming everyone was
  • The way everyone welcomed me as soon as I walked through the doors
  • The people were friendly
  • There were friendly people to greet you
  • How welcoming everyone was
  • The warm, casual and friendly atmosphere
  • Friendly and Welcoming
  • The friendliness of the greeters
  • MANY friendly individuals welcoming everyone
  • Friendly people greeting us as we arrived
  • Everyone was friendly
  • How friendly the people are
  • Friendly people

It sounds like we just drill this into people, but the truth is, we don’t tell people we’re friendly. The other thing is that if you ask any church, they’ll tell you they’re a friendly church. What that usually means is that they’re friendly to each other. The real test is: do the people outside of your church think you’re friendly? Are you others-focused enough to welcome new people into the family? Friendliness and fakeness are 2 different things, and people can spot it quickly. I saw an incredible example of true friendliness last Sunday after the service when I introduced a new couple to some of our peeps and they were still getting to know each other 20 minutes later.

I am once again so proud to be the Pastor of the friendliest, most loving and welcoming people you’ll ever meet. They love enough to put it into action. Don’t just take my word for it, come and experience it for yourself!

One Reply to “Thank You for Being a Friend”

  1. Was the title an intentional reference to the “Golden Girls?” I never really watched the show myself much but I do remember that line from their theme song!


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