Craig Groeschel spoke last night on "The Vow of Pursuit" and how we should commit to always pursue our spouse based on Genesis 2:24, where God uses the Hebrew word "dabaq" (daw-bak’) to describe the relationship between a husband and wife. That word is translated "united" there, but also means, "to catch by pursuit" or to "pursue hard." Also check out Psalm 63:8, Job 41:17, Job 19:20, Judges 20:45, and Genesis 29:30 for places where that word is used in different contexts.

Isn’t it funny how we generally judge ourselves by our good intentions and we judge our spouse by what they do? We need to close the gap between our intentions and actions in order to improve our marriage. Here’s some practical ways to do that today:

One of the best quotes from Craig was this: "If you don’t like what you’re getting in your marriage, look at what you’re giving in your marriage."

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