Do you notice the signs that you see all around you? I read that we see up to 5000 signs every day. That’s a lot of messages that are trying to get through.

But one of the most important signs you will see is the sign of baptism. Baptism is an outward sign of an inward changed life. It happens when someone says, “I’m choosing to trust Jesus with my life, both today and forever.”

I LOVE baptism because it takes guts to stand up, get in that water in front of hundreds of people and go public with your faith. And I love that we see so many people taking that step at The Connection Church!!! It never gets old!

This weekend, we went out to Rio Vista Falls at the San Marcos River and celebrated 17 people who took the plunge! You should see the looks on people’s faces as they float by in their tubes! It’s also amazing to see our people lined up across the bridge to watch!

Thanks to everyone who serves & gives at The Connection Church for playing a part in every changed life! Thanks to Mark Torres and Dave Douglas for grilling up the burgers & hot dogs! The pictures below tell the story much better than I can, thanks to Charity Estrada for the great shots!

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