• We’re seeing God do some pretty unbelievable things right now at The Connection Church! This week, we saw more people with us than anytime this summer! Not to mention (which I am mentioning) 25 first time guest cards!!! One of my favorite things to do on Sunday is to connect with our guests!
  • It was also Shadow Sunday, where our new team members got to see firsthand how we create the Best Hour of Your Week! This is the first step in the process of passing it on to raise up new leaders: I do it; I do it, you watch; You do it, I watch; You do it. If you want to step up to serve, click here for more info.
  • Now, we’ve been getting complaints that we’re running out of FREE Krispy Kreme donuts for the third service. I can tell you that every week we’re upping our order by several dozen, but the demand keeps outweighing the supply. So, this week, we’re going to order even more. (But keep coming to the Noon service to make room in the middle service!) Of course if you get up and come to the 9am, then the donuts are plentiful!!!
  • If you spotted some superheroes on the premises, that’s because our KidKore had a superhero party. I think I saw Captain America greeting at the front doors.
  • I can tell that this week’s message on the power of forgiveness definitely hit home by the “hem of the robe” that so many people brought to the front. My heart breaks as I read what so many of our people have gone through. But it’s also encouraging to know that so many people are leaving those hurts at the foot of the cross. You can listen to the message here or on our mobile app.
  • We gave out a lot of FREE tickets for the Home Run movie that we’ll be watching together on Friday at 7pm. Come on out for it if you can. Let us know if you need childcare here, it’s only $10 per child.
  • Burgers and Baptism was awesome in the true sense of the word! 17 people took the plunge in the waters of the San Marcos River while passing tubers watched in amazement! I’ll be posting those pics in my next post.
  • Check out the terrific pics below from Nathan Latsha. You can see all of yesterday’s pics on our Flickr page.