Okay, I’m back. Like I said before, as a kid, I read a lot of comic books. At one time, I was getting around 8 titles in the mail a month. In the sixth grade, I realized how uncool that was and took my whole collection in to one of those comic stores where they gave me around 3 or 4 cents a piece for them. That amounted to around $100 that I then used to buy a new boombox cassette radio. That was symbolic of how music became my new thing. I just thought you’d enjoy that piece of history.

Spider-Man 3 was a great movie. It is filled with spiritual themes of sin, forgiveness, wise choices, and friendship. In fact, according to Sam Raimi, interviewed in Christianity Today, the climactic scene was shot in a church intentionally as the place where Spider-Man sheds his dark side. Overall, it was a lot of fun with a moral message to boot.

If you missed last Sunday’s message on "The Deadly Effects of Revenge" you can listen to it online here.

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