Today’s the day we’re starting our month-long journey through the book of Proverbs. Since this book is 31 chapters long, it’s perfect to read through in one month. Join me and many others at TCC in this experience.

The first chapter makes such an incredible promise for me: "These proverbs will make the simple-minded clever" (1:4). That’s just what I need!

God says that fearing Him is where wisdom starts. There are so many people in the world who have more abbreviations after their name, but God says that true wisdom starts by acknowledging who He is and that He is in control. Until we get that, all of our education is worthless.

And as for those people who are up to no good, God says "they booby-trap their own lives" (1:18). It’s crazy when we willingly make decisions that end up making us miserable, when we thought it was the path to happiness. It’s like beating ourselves in the head.

The good news is, God is not hiding His wisdom from us. It’s here in His Word, for our benefit. I’m excited about this journey. Let me know what you’re discovering along the way.

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