On Sunday, we had a new drummer playing with the worship band. You might have noticed his cool mohawk! The only thing cooler would have been if it was green. The guy laying down the phat beat was Robby Williams who has been attending TCC for several months. He used to play with Brady in one of his first bands. Our worship team has been really growing since we’ve moved over to the PAC which is giving us a lot of options and opportunities to try new things.

Rene was gone this Sunday to a Christian music festival and will be gone again next week. We’ve got another guy, Jason Hooton, filling in who plays in a local metal band. He and his incredible wife (who is rocking it out on our kids team) recently joined our church family and has been serving on the media team. He’s pumped about playing this week and so are we.

Rene has been giving us a steady backbeat and pounding to oblivion since the day we launched TCC. At the time he was 14 years old. I remember being blown away when I first heard him play with our band. He’s always used his own set of drums, bringing them back and forth each week. At the end of 2006, some TCC peeps poured into his life by providing him a really great kit complete with cases and cymbals. Rene couldn’t have been more proud of those drums.

Last week, some punks broke into their home and took all of Rene’s drums. When they took those drums, they really were hitting him in his heart, because those drums were not just instruments, they were dedicated to the Lord to lead us in worship every week. But what those thieves meant for evil, God will use for good (Genesis 50:20). There’s already been an outpouring of support to go above and beyond and get more than just replacements, but something even better than before. Rene will be back on his (drum) throne on July 13 with an awesome new set of drums!

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