Snowman_2We just added a snowman to our Christmas decorations and it got me thinking about all the prep that goes into our Christmas celebrations. With the busyness of our schedules, Pam and I sat down last weekend and tried to calendar out all the activities that we wanted to do with our family this year. We try to do these (other than all the TCC stuff):

We may not get to it all this year, but those are some of the traditions that we enjoy as a family.

At The Connection Church, we want to help people make the most of this season. We’ve got some great things planned during our new series UNWRAPPED: God’s Gifts for Your Life that starts this Sunday. We’re focusing on some of the very real and felt needs that people have: Fear, Stress, Anger, and Hurt. This Sunday kicks off with a new look at Hope. You can give someone an awesome Christmas gift this week by bringing them with you to one of our services. I HOPE you’ll be there, or if you’re a long distance reader, check out the podcast when it posts.

Got any other Christmas event recommendations?

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