I hope you’ve heard by now that TCC is moving to the PAC in April 2008. Personally, I can’t wait! I’m itchin’ for the move for so many, many reasons. I’m starting a series of posts on the thinking and news behind the big move.

First, I want to answer the question: Why would we move from our current location, Tobias Elementary?

I remember when I first checked out Kyle, I was told that Tobias was primed and ready for a new church. I sat in the parking lot and dreamed of launching in that school. I checked out Lehman High School that was set to open that year, but for several reasons, it wasn’t the best option. Tobias has been the perfect setting for the start of the church.

Some of the benefits of our current location:

  • I love looking out the windows of the cafetorium and seeing the sun rise on the "lake."
  • The principal, Mrs. Davis, has been very supportive.
  • The size worked in our favor for a smaller church, just getting started.
  • The gym gave us a great setting for our kids ministry.

We are at a point where we need to be moving on because:

  • We’ve grown, a lot. The cafetorium and nursery areas are maxed out, causing us to pull off 3 services on Sunday morning.
  • The timing is right: Mrs. Davis is moving on next year and our timeline is running down with the school. We were only going to be able to stay there 1 more year.
  • Elementary schools are designed for children. The bathrooms are for people under a certain size. And the cafeteria regularly gets decorated with kids artwork.
  • The size of the stage is limiting us in our creative arts ministries through worship.
  • There isn’t a good gathering area for people before and after our services or for tables/booths for our ministry teams.

I know that God opened the door for us to meet at Tobias during the time we’ve been there. But the time is closing in for us to move on. Did I say before, I’m pumped about it (that’s an understatement). Soon, I’ll post specifically about going to the PAC and the many plusses of this move. Stay tuned…

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