Two of the ladies from TCC were talking about a recent miracle that happened while they were at a local store. The miracle? Oh yeah, someone gave a car to a family in need. Pretty awesome stuff! As they were talking, the wife of a local pastor overheard, asked what church they went to, and she proceeded to say, "Oh, well, ya’ll should come to our church." WOW! I wish I had been there.

Jesus called us to be fishers of men, but I can’t believe how some Christians think that we should be fishing from each other’s aquariums. If we’re going to change our world, we’ve got to stop swapping sheep and start reaching people who are far from God.

So, YES, we need to be inviting people to come to our church. In fact, there’s nothing else that comes close to a personal invitation. And, NO, when we meet someone who is actively involved in another local church, we don’t encourage them to leave their church and come to ours. Of course, everyone’s welcome, but I figure if they’re already plugged in somewhere, it leaves us an extra seat for someone who needs Jesus. Who are you inviting for this Sunday?

2 Replies to “Where Are You Fishing?

  1. Cole… thanks for your heart to help connect people to God. You’ve been a great encouragement to me in just the one meeting and through your blogs. BTW… Starting Churches on Purpose was great and I’m really enjoying Launch at the moment.

    Brett Stair

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