When it comes to social media, we ask the questions all the time, “Are you following them?” and “How many followers do you have?” When we choose to follow someone on Twitter or Instagram, it’s a pretty low commitment level. We get to keep up with what they’re up to and see their latest filtered pictures. And as soon as they something we disagree with, it’s an easy decision to click the unfollow button.

With Twitter, you’ve got to make your point in 140 characters or less. According to Vatican Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, Jesus was the first person to tweet. Jesus said many memorable things using less words, but he packed them with powerful meaning.

But when Jesus calls us to follow Him, it’s a whole new level of commitment. In fact, Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “When Christ calls a man, He bids him come and die.” While that call doesn’t always mean to physically give your life, it does mean to die to our old self-centered habits. It means our old life is gone and we live a brand new life in Jesus.

This weekend, we’re kicking off a new series at The Connection Church called #Follow all about those concise, but power-packed statements that Jesus said. We’ll be reading Jesus’ words and discovering the difference they make to us today when we choose to apply them to our lives.

On this Easter weekend, we’ve got 4 service times to choose from: Saturday at 5:30pm and Sunday at 9am, 10:30am & Noon. There’s no better time to begin to follow Jesus to the next level in your life than now! I can’t wait to see you there for what promises to be the biggest weekend of the year.

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